Veronica’s Takeover: Cicerone Feels
Still the Same Ol’ G If you know me at all, you know these past six months have been a whirlwind. I’ve juggled multiple jobs, studied for the Certified Cicerone test, planned a wedding and oh yea, trying to grasp on the what ever little sliver of life is left! Through the ups and downs, we’ve found some sure footing and I’m very excited to start this next chapter in our lives. The Feels Are Real My story today starts back in November, and unfortunately it’s not a happy ending fairytale story. I was really looking forward to our weeklong vacation in San Diego. The allure of escaping everyday life was calling to me. Unfortunately this trip was not all fun and games. I started the week at orientation for Modern Times, and I figured I would go ahead and take the test that I had studied over a year to take..... The Certified Cicerone Test . I would say I’m more book smart than street smart, but really who even knows what the hell that means!! The months leading up to this, I took th...