Justin Z’s Blog Take Over; We’re Back!!
We’re Back!!! It has been quite awhile since we last posted. We are very sorry to keep our beer community waiting. A lot has happened since our last post, but we are back and we will be posting more than ever: 1. I Am Now a Certified Cicerone One of the biggest reasons why we have not posted any new material, is because we buried our noses in books and studied, studied, and studied. After we thought we were prepared guess what??? We studied some more!!! It was all worth it in the end, at least for one of us. I passed, but unfortunately Veronica didn’t (Veronica Blog Here) It was a moment that could have torn us apart forever, but our love for beer, and each other prevailed. 2. I Finally Have 1 Job, but Veronica Has 3 I was balancing working Triple George Grill, and The Kitchen at Atomic. Balancing both, and working 7 days a week really took a toll on me, and this blog. Eventually I was forced to choose one or the other, and in the end, I was just offered more at Tripl...