Beer Tour Around Vegas

Top 5 Beer Spots All Around Town! Drinking beer doesn't have to be just at your home, at parties, or on adventures. Being in Vegas, we have found that a good beer spot is few and far between. Luckily with the explosion of craft beer, some sweet new and old spots have surfaced. We want you guys to check them out and learn to drink beer like a local! Atomic Liquors (and Kitchen) 917 Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Atomic Liquors Downtown This is one of the first big arguments Justin and Veronica have had; over whose job is cooler. Justin's job won out for the exclusivity of the beer taps and the history of the bar. Atomic Liquors is the oldest free standing bar in Las Vegas. It is a destination for tourists and locals alike. Starting out as Virginia's cafe, the owner acquired a liquor pouring license which elevated them to a new style of liquor sale. They had the tavern license which Atomic liquor still holds, tavern license number one. The reason why this...